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This one Philosophy changed my life

A Philosophy that begin around 304 BC used by the Roman empires, Stoicism is the endurance of pain and hardship without feelings and complaint. Stoicism has been practiced by great leaders all around the world such as Marcus Aurelius, Thomas Jefferson, Georgia Washington and many many others across world. Even today there are great people who use Stoicism in their daily lives.

The 4 Virtues of Stoicism!

COURAGE According to Seneca who is one of the Roman empire’s he pitied people who never experienced misfortune, “You never pass though life without a opponent,” he said “No one can know what you are capable of, not even you.

What he meant by this is there are always going to be difficult situations come your way. Think of these not as a inconvenience but as a opportunity. Am I going to face this problem or am getting to run away from it?

TEMPERANCE/MODERATION As important as courage is, it’s also important to to take calculated risk. We must be aware of are bravely so it does not become reckless! Aristotle said “We are what we repeatedly do,” He also said “therefore excellence is not act, but a habit.

JUSTICE To the Stoics courage and temperance are meaningless if you don’t do them for the right reasons Marcus Aurelius said that Justice is the source of all the other virtues,

WISDOM The Knowing. The learning. The experience required to navigate the world. Yes it is important to have courage in moderation. Yes you should always do both of those thing’s for the right reason but without wisdom you won’t know how to find balance. For me knowledge is power. Epictetus said “ You. cannot learn what you think you already know

Stoicism has a dramatic effect not only on my mindfulness journey but my daily life. If you wish to dive into more stoicism with me please let me know!


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