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Mindful Meditation with Bryan

Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher

Schedule your consultation.


    Meet Bryan

    Hello. My name is Bryan. My journey to mindfulness and meditation is a unique one. I was born with a very rare disorder called Propionic Acidemic. “Propionic Acidemia” is a genetic disorder in which the body is unable to process certain parts of protein and lipids (fats) properly.  It is classified as an Organic Acid Disorder, which is a condition that leads to an abnormal build up of particular acids known as “Organic Acids”

    Telegram Group Meditations

    Join my Telegrame group for a weekly group meditation with discussion afterwards. The group has also been designed to be a free open space for those who need to about their healing journey. Email if interested.

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    Join me April 26th at Coopersburg park. We will meet under the pavilion off of east landis street! As you get guided into your happy place then experience a sound bath using a number of different healing instruments including crystal bowls, rain stick. chimes and much more. Bring a mat to lay on. After the event will be enjoying some snacks so feel free to hang out a bit.

    Past Events

    Full Moon May 5th.jpg

    Full Moon
    Five Elements of Holistic Health
    May 5th 2023


    May 19th 2023

    Coopersburg April 21st.jpg

    May 21st 2023


    April 21st 2023


    November 2022


    April 2022


    Meditation Poetry June 2024

    Greenshire August 18th 2023

    One Year Anniversary at Greenshire!

    Greenshire June 2024

    Schedule Your Consultation

    “Meditation refers to a family of techniques which have in common a conscious attempt to focus attention in a non-analytical way and an attempt not to dwell on discursive, ruminating thought.”

    Shapiro, 1982


    Meditation & Mindfulness for Everyone

    Scientific research shows that being more mindful and having a daily meditation practice is highly beneficial to us. These benefits include a positive impact on our cardiovascular system, better blood pressure results, and treatment for diseases like cancer and diabetes. Although not a cure, meditation has been proven to help such diseases. It is also a great pain relief tool.

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